United States and Mexico

While the American side is more conservative and less-inhibited closer to the border, the Mexican side is littered with buildings, traffic, and bustling life.

North Korea and South Korea

The whole world knows the vast difference between the two Korean nations. As seen from above at night, the difference is astonishing. The vibrant and colorful South Korea is brightly lit, especially in the capital of Seoul. North Korea, however, is pitch black due to the overwhelming control of its leadership. The only light that could be seen is from Pyongyang, the capital where Kim Jong-Un resides.

United States and Canada

The United State’s other neighbor in the North, the Canadian border is a lot more discreet. With a focus on landscape in the Northern regions, the border is one that is actually quite beautiful. 
The border runs through the town of Derby Line, which splits some buildings in half.

Spain and Portugal

Portugal is infamous for its poor road network. That fact is apparent here at the Spanish-Portuguese border.

India and Pakistan

The complex relationship between India and Pakistan goes further than politics. The border that separates the two countries also separates the visual difference that makes each country different.

Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Despite sharing some of the same rain forests, the Haitian side of the border bears little to no trees compared to the Dominican side. Haiti has practiced little to no control of deforestation, leaving its side of the border barren when compared to the protected rainforests of the Dominican Republic.

Poland and Ukraine

Artist Jaroslaw Koziara designed these two fish on the border of these two countries to symbolize the unity they share.


The three South American nations share a natural border. The Parana River serves the purpose of splitting the three countries right where they meet.

China and Macau

In China, they drive on the right and in Macau, once a Portuguese colony, they drive on the left. This has led to a rather twisted border crossing that accommodates both styles.

Germany and Czech Republic

A rather beautiful border that separates Germany and the Czech Republic is formed over this bridge atop of spectacular cliffs.


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