Not Michael at All

Did Michael ever think that his wax figure would look more like Prince with Oprah's hair? And what's wrong with his right eye? Perhaps, some drops against conjunctivitis may be helpful. Not to mention the terrible eyebrows.

Poor Leo

Look at these desperate eyes. Did Leo cry or did he catch conjunctivitis from Michael? Or maybe he is just awfully sick and tired of the Oscars rush. Either way, the best way to make this figure look better is to cover it with some dense texture.

Probably Britney

It's hard to say exactly who it is, but based on the outfit it might be Britney. Though she looks like a mixture of Evanna Lynch and Nicholas Cage. Even the girl on the left looks more like Britney than this horrible figure. 

Give This Bill a Pill

Let's guess what happened to the wax Bill's face. Perhaps the answer is hidden in the cat on his shoulder. He is probably just allergic to it and forgot to take his anti-allergen. Please be kind and give Bill a pill.

Who Hurt Arnie?

It seems like Arnie is so upset that he's almost shedding tears. Why do you think he's angry? Maybe he noticed that his six-pack is a four-pack? Or maybe he just doesn't like this eyeliner. 

Creepy Lennon

Everything is wrong about this John Lennon wax figure: the hair, the outfit, the body, the facial expression, and especially this little feminine hand. Everything just makes one's blood freeze. Don't look at it for too long, or else you will have horrible nightmares.


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